Sunday, 28 February 2016

10 Really Lovely Things and 10 Really Sucky Things About Having a Baby

Having an appreciative, adoring audience for all those off-key renditions of musicals.

Having an audience when going to the loo.

Feeling proud and in awe of all the little developments they make.

Feeling like a failure when other mums announce that their little munchkin is sleeping through the night / crawling / solving equations / whatever.

Making lovely new mum friends and having so much in common straight away.

Missing spending time in pubs and clubs with child-free friends.

All the cake.

Being a bit too flabby and choosing outfits for easy boob access.

Being woken up with a raspberry and a big beaming smile.

Sleep. Nuff said.

Having a new respect for your own parents and how amazing they really are.

Constantly panicking about ways in which your parenting might fail.

Feeling pretty awesome for achieving a day’s worth of chores during a 30 minute nap.

Showering in 3 minutes and never having time for all those personal maintenance jobs. Gross.

Opening the baby's wardrobe door and admiring thr perfectly arranged adorable little outfits. It’s like having a real live Barbie!

Never. Ending. Laundry.

Not having to go to work.

Not being able to go to work.

Knowing that, however difficult it can feel, it’s just a stage and ‘this too shall pass.’

Every 3 months having to pack away a size of clothes and feel sad that the tiny baby that fitted into them is gone already, even though the bigger one is even better!

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