Saturday, 10 February 2018

20 Things That Happen When You Have a Two Year Old

Living with a 2 year old is a rollercoaster. One minute they are a sweet, funny, affectionate little poppet. The next, a screaming, irrational, violent mini dictator. And then, when you’re about to shut yourself in the wardrobe and list them on ebay, they switch back, give you a massive cuddle and melt your heart again. Your heart can burst with pride one minute, the next you’re googling ‘Is it normal that my 2 year old…’ when they do something you are sure is pretty sociopathic. It’s exhausting and wonderful and they turn your world upside down.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

What I Learned From My Sleep Consultant

Last night, 7 nights after we began the plan devised by our sleep consultant and 2 days before he turned 15 months, Baby B finally slept through the night!!!

Monday, 7 November 2016

What Would Cave Baby Think?

If you’ve read my post What Would Cave Baby Do? you’ll know that I reconciled myself to Baby B’s sometimes draining behaviour by thinking about the evolutionary drive behind it. I realised my little survivor just needed to be close to feel safe and a happy time of babywearing and co-sleeping followed.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Autumn Art

Playing outside means watching the seasons change. I usually hate autumn but Baby B is having such a lovely time discovering nature that I’ve fallen in love with it too.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Dear New Mummy,

First - WOW! You are amazing. You probably don’t feel it. You’re probably sore, exhausted, flabby and more than a little overwhelmed. That’s ok. You just grew a person. Inside you. With tiny, perfect fingernails and everything. Whatever method he or she used to get out it’s been uncomfortable, unpleasant and unnerving, but you’ve done it. You have enabled a brand new person to join the world. Wow! It’s been a crazy experience, and it’s about to get crazier, so take some time to rest, recover and let it all sink in.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Take One Big Blue Bowl...

This big blue bowl has been the perfect container for loads of different messy and sensory play sessions. It kind of keeps the mess contained and baby B liked sitting in it from about 6 to 9 months and loves climbing out of it.

There are so many things in the kitchen that make brilliant exploratory play opportunities for babies and most of it is really cheap. The bowl was quite expensive but we use it as a paddling pool and ball pool too so is worth it. It's noce to add music and the buuble machine for even more sensory fun.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Ages and Stages in the First Year

The first year of being a mum felt like the shortest and longest year of my life. I think it felt so long because I was awake for most of it. But it also flies by and every different stage is over just as it becomes manageable. Each stage brings its own challenges and rewards. They are gone before you know it so it's important to soak up every moment but also remember ‘this too shall pass!’